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iOS Logging

There are three LogWriter implementations for iOS.


This is the default LogWriter. It is designed for local development. Each severity is represented with an emoji. Throwable instances sent to this writer will be written with println rather than oslog because oslog trims long strings.

2023-03-05 08:48:03.864138-0500 KermitSampleIOS[58575:7607179] 🟢 Try a log
2023-03-05 08:48:04.622452-0500 KermitSampleIOS[58575:7607442] [Bugsnag] [INFO] Sent session 7D3188F7-2B37-4189-9F92-63BC7172D01B
2023-03-05 08:48:09.999884-0500 KermitSampleIOS[58575:7607179] 🟢 Common click count: 1
2023-03-05 08:48:11.333941-0500 KermitSampleIOS[58575:7607179] 🔵 Common click count: 2
2023-03-05 08:48:13.104265-0500 KermitSampleIOS[58575:7607179] 🟡 Common click count: 3
2023-03-05 08:48:13.568351-0500 KermitSampleIOS[58575:7607179] 🔴 Common click count: 4


This is the parent class of XcodeSeverityWriter. There is no emoji added for severity, and Throwable is sent as a string to oslog. This may trim exceptions. You can implement a custom version that writes each line of a stack trace to oslog, or whatever else you'd like to do. Override logThrowable.


Legacy implementation using NSLog.

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